Our Services

We sprint logistics plc, are established to provide the state of the art professional logistics service including Freight Forwarding, Customs Clearing , Transport Service, and Consulting Services

About Us

Sprint Logistics PLC is a private company ‘Owned by its managers and manage by its owners’ with a growing reputation of providing outstanding quality that continues to secure a loyal customer base by covering the whole spectrum of AIR, SEA, and ROAD logistics services with lowest rates at the most competitive rates in the industry.


Why Work with Us

The logistics setup and the
documentation required for Importing into and exporting out of Ethiopia are hierarchical and rigid. Such kind of challenging environment require expertise, inside knowledge and experienced logistics partner.

Dedicated Team Member

Your requested service will be monitored and facilitated by a dedicated expert from our team.

100% Reliable

Our consistent performance in delivering quality service within the time frame is doubtless.

Fast Delivery

We strive hard work tirelessly to reduce lead time to the minimum.

No Hidden Charges

We don't add hidden extras cost. All costs related to services provided are clearly communicated. There are no surprises with hidden costs.

Creative Shipping Techniques

Knowing what and how to do at each point in the logistics chain is very crucial.

24/7 Clients Support

Our team of experts are always available online and over the phone for any support you may require.

Our Numbers Speak Louder

Number of Customers




Service Types


Accomplished Projects